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Economic growth
(No) solution to the climate crisis?
100 min6-30(No) solution to the climate crisis?
The participants critically examine global perspectives on technical solutions to the climate crisis in group work
3 strategies for change
a mapping exercise of actions to strategies
65 min4-303 strategies for change
Participants assign specific action possibilities to three different strategies for change and exchange ideas about them.
Work and care
4 reasons for degrowth
a microlearning about degrowth
3 min1-994 reasons for degrowth
This digital educational unit is suitable as a short introduction to degrowth. It presents the […]
Your donation for change
Support our work and become part of the change.
5 min1Your donation for change
Do you like this collection of methods? Then become part of the change and support our work with a donation.
Good life?
A collage of happiness
Exploring the individual and social components of happiness and satisfaction
60 min8-24A collage of happiness
Participants create a collage on their individual perception of a happy and contented life. The […]
Another world under construction
An inspiration based on lived alternatives
45 min8-40Another world under construction
Participants engage in conversations about alternatives to growth-oriented economies.
Economic growth
Association postcards
A picture-based discussion
20 min6-30Association postcards
In this activity, participants explore the many layers of meaning associated with the terms “growth” […]
Back to everyday life
A letter to myself
60 min1-40Back to everyday life
The “letter to myself” supports the transfer of learning from the seminar/workshop to everyday life.
Economic growth
Beyond Growth
A classical presentation
45 min6-30Beyond Growth
This presentation is suitable as an introduction to the topic of economic growth, and deals […]
Big footprint on a small planet
A multifaceted approach to the ecological footprint
70 min6-30Big footprint on a small planet
Participants learn about the ecological footprint, criticism of it’s individual calculation and deal with global inequality in the context of the climate…
climate (un)just solutions?
a microlearning about e-mobility
3 min1-99climate (un)just solutions?
This digital learning unit deals with unsustainable ways of (re)production and global injustices by using […]
Work and care
Free time as a luxury?
a microlearning about time prosperity
3 min1-99Free time as a luxury?
This short educational unit serves as an introduction to feminist perspectives on time prosperity. Using […]
Economic growth
Growth quartets
A card game about GDP
60 min6-24Growth quartets
Participants learn about GDP and discuss the pros and cons of GDP as an indicator […]
How would we like to have lived?
Dream journey into the future II
45 min6-30How would we like to have lived?
The dream journey is a guided daydream intended to stimulate the imagination and develop new perspectives on the meaning of “good living”.
I don’t feel it
A conversation about emotions in the climate crisis
60 min8-30I don’t feel it
A physical exercise expands our view of the psycho-social effects of the climate crisis and global injustice.
Good life?
Measuring the good life
Standard of living indicators
60 min-25Measuring the good life
With the help of a short text, participants work in teams to discuss different indicators […]
myths of green growth
a microlearning about hydrogen
3 min1-99myths of green growth
This microlearning is suitable as an entry module on fossil fuels in green capitalism. It […]
Economic growth
Opinion barometer
Exploring what the participants know
15 min10-20Opinion barometer
In this activity, participants are asked to position themselves on an axis according to the […]
Good life?
Prosperity and good life
A group discussion about similarities and differences
45 min10-25Prosperity and good life
Die Teilnehmenden definieren, was sie entweder unter einem guten Leben oder unter Wohlstand verstehen.
Economic growth
The economy and me
Exploring our relationship with "the economy"
30 min10-24The economy and me
This method is suitable as an introductory activity, and explores the question of just what […]
The future is creative
a utopian collage
120 min5-30The future is creative
participants can give space to their creativity and create a picture of their very own utopias.
Economic growth
The Light Bulb Conspiracy
Discussing a film about planned obsolescence
120 min1-99The Light Bulb Conspiracy
Participants watch the Arte documentary “The Light Bulb Conspiracy” about planned and intentional obsolescence. They […]
The perfect activist
A reflection on activism for global justice
25 min2-20The perfect activist
Participants reflect on (unrealistic and unhelpful) ideals of and demands on those active in the commitment to global justice
The solidarity mode of living
a microlearning about alternatives
3 min1-99The solidarity mode of living
This short digital learning unit provides a playful insight into the concept of a solidarity-based […]
Good life?
The Spirit Level
Text analysis and discussion on equitable distribution
60 min8-16The Spirit Level
Participants explore the extent to which quality of life can be increased by means of […]
Good life?
The story of the tiger
A lived story about stress and resilience
30 min2-25The story of the tiger
The embodied story enables the participants to address the topics of stress and resilience in the context of socio-ecological change.
Economic growth
The two sides of a coin
Arguments for and against economic growth
65 min7-25The two sides of a coin
In form of an interactive exhibition, the participants independently deal with the pros and cons of economic growth using short texts.
Economic growth
The world game
A positioning game
45 min10-25The world game
Participants visualize data about global relationships between unequal trade, economic growth, and environmental consumption in the space.
Good life?
There can only be a good life for everyone
An analysis of the effects of global development
60 min5-25There can only be a good life for everyone
Criticism of the concept of economic development, of production methods based on exploitation. Examples of socio-ecological transformation processes for sustainable development.
There is more to life than work
Reassembling quotes about work and quality of life
25 min10-25There is more to life than work
Working in pairs, the participants explore a quote about the relationship between work and quality […]
Three strategies towards sustainability
Identifying examples of efficiency, consistency and sufficiency
40 min12-20Three strategies towards sustainability
The three strategies towards sustainability – efficiency, consistency and sufficiency – are examined on the […]
Under the magnifying glass
An introductory text analysis on the subject of post-growth
60 min15-25Under the magnifying glass
In this method, participants are given a first look at different perspectives on post-growth. To […]
Utopia and me
quick talks about utopias
30 min10-30Utopia and me
This method is well-suited as an introductory approach to the topic of "utopias." Participants have the opportunity to engage in conversations about…
Value barometer
exercise and discussion about societal values
75 min10-30Value barometer
In this exercise, participants deal with social values and enter into discussion about them. Learning […]
Good life?
Who can change things?
Opportunities for action and influence on different levels
60 min8-25Who can change things?
Participants seek to imagine how change can be effected, who exerts influence and in what way, and what opportunities and obstacles are…
Who said it?
a microlearning about climate activists
3 min1-99Who said it?
This digital learning unit focusses on climate justice and growth logic while incorporating perspectives from […]
Economic growth
Why do we consume?
Adverts based on the different functions of consumption
60 min12-24Why do we consume?
The purpose of this method is to critically examine consumer behaviour, without imposing moral judgements, […]