Educational materials for a socio-ecological transformation
  • Good life?

    Who can change things?

    Opportunities for action and influence on different levels

    60 min

    Who can change things?

    Participants seek to imagine how change can be effected, who exerts influence and in what way, and what opportunities and obstacles are…

  • Who can change things?

    Format: discussion, group work

    Barriers: complexity, hearing, reading, vision

    Materials: Markers, coloured moderation cards, paper for arrows

    Accessibility: Participants should already have had some contact with basic criticism of our current economic system and with arguments for social and ecological change. A very large seminar room with space in the middle is needed.

    In this method, To this end, the participants map out a “landscape of actors” in the room. They assume the perspective of important actors who contribute to social change in the context of national states on different levels. They examine opportunities for action and influence on and between these levels and discuss the power relationships which govern them.