Educational materials for a socio-ecological transformation
  • Alternatives

    Another world under construction

    An inspiration based on lived alternatives

    45 min

    Another world under construction

    Participants engage in conversations about alternatives to growth-oriented economies.

  • Another world under construction

    Format: discussion, group work

    Barriers: complexity, hearing, movement, reading, vision

    Materials: Paper, colored pens, cards to download

    Accessibility: low threshold

    Participants engage in conversations about alternatives to growth-oriented economies.

    Learning Objectives
    Participants will:
    • Learn about tangible examples of lived alternatives to growth-oriented economies and global justice, both in Germany and worldwide.
    • Identify their own options for taking action and getting involved in similar alternatives.


    The building block cards are particularly suited for use at the end of an event, to highlight participants’ own agency. A comprehensive overview and discussion of the relevance of specific lived alternatives can be found in the works of adrienne maree brown (Emergent Strategy) and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Smarasinha (Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice).

    The texts and images for the building block cards should be printed double-sided. For multiple uses, it is recommended to laminate the cards.


    1. Exhibition Visit (20 minutes)
      The building block cards are placed around the room or hung up with the text facing upwards. Participants are invited to pair up, read a few examples that interest them, and discuss them.
    2. Clarification Questions in the Large Group (10 minutes)
      The participants regroup to clarify any questions they may have.
    3. Individual Reflection (10 minutes)
      Participants are given 10 minutes to design their own building block cards, answering the following questions: • What activities in your life would you write on a card? • What brings you the most joy or hope? • Which of the presented or other alternatives would you like to try? The cards will serve as a basis for the subsequent discussion.
    4. Evaluation: Exchange in Small Groups (10 minutes)
      Participants form groups of four and share their cards with each other, discussing them during the remaining time.

    In phase four, the exchange can also take place during a walk in pairs, if time allows. After the walk, participants return to the large group to wrap up the session.
    If time remains after phase four, the facilitator can encourage participants to search online for alternatives in their local context. They should choose an alternative they would like to try and see if they can find something in their area.