Educational materials for a socio-ecological transformation
  • Alternatives

    Utopia and me

    quick talks about utopias

    30 min

    Utopia and me

    This method is well-suited as an introductory approach to the topic of "utopias." Participants have the opportunity to engage in conversations about…

  • Utopia and me

    Format: game, movement

    Barriers: hearing, movement, vision

    Materials: flipchart and edding

    This method is well suited as an introductory method to the topic of “utopias”. Participants have the opportunity to discuss utopias with several other participants.

    Learning objectives

    The participants…

    • get a playful approach to questions about utopias.
    • explore the concept of utopias by sharing their individual thoughts and discussing the group’s perspective on the topic.
    • get a sense that utopias are a broad and complex subject intertwined with various aspects and questions.



    We have dealt with the topic of utopias to varying degrees, or not yet. Our ideas of utopia or visions of the future can be very different. The aim of this method is for participants to share their initial thoughts on utopias with each other. It is not about right or wrong. Rather, it is about an initial exchange on the topic.


    Above all, the method requires space to walk. Chairs can be set aside if necessary, or the group can meet outside. The following questions (+ evaluation questions) can be visualized on a flipchart and gradually revealed:

    • To what extent have you already dealt with utopias?
    • What do you understand by utopia and what associations come to your mind?
    • Complete the following sentences
      • In my utopia…
      • Utopias (do not) help me…
      • I think we (don’t) need more utopias in society, because…


    1. Introduction (2 minutes)

    The facilitator introduces the background to the method and adds that it is okay, if people have not yet or hardly ever dealt with utopias. By exchanging ideas with each other, participants can gain new impressions and get to know new perspectives from each other. The realization that others have just as little an idea about utopias can also be an insight.

    2. Space Walk (2 minutes)

    The participants walk all over the room. The facilitator can give different impulses while they are walking around to make it easier for the participants to arrive in their own bodies, in the room and in the group:

    • Lower your gaze and become aware of your own body
    • Pay attention to your own breath without trying to change it
    • Feel the ground under your feet while walking
    • Feel which different muscles are tensed while walking and which muscles can relax
    • Get a feeling for the room and how others move in the room by lowering your gaze
    • Let your gaze wander while walking and notice what the surroundings are made of
    • Perceive what thoughts are going through your head at the moment
    • Noticing whether or what has changed in the body after a conversation

    3. First Exchange (2 minutes)

    The facilitator gives a signal and the participants come together in pairs. The participants should start a conversation with a person with whom they have had little or no contact so far. The participants now have a total of two minutes to discuss the first question “To what extent have you already dealt with utopias?”.

    4. Further Exchange (15-20 minutes)

    Another signal indicates the end of the two minutes. The participants thank each other for the brief exchange and continue walking around the room. Steps 2. and 3. are repeated until all questions have been asked.

    5. Body-Check-Out (2 minutes)

    After the last question, participants have time to walk around again. In this phase, the facilitator can encourage the participants to pay attention to their own thoughts and to notice whether or what has changed in their bodies after the discussions.

    6. Evaluation (5-15 minutes)

    Popcorn-style sharing in plenary: The group meets again in a circle. The questions below can be used as reflection questions. The aim is not for the participants to answer all the questions. Rather, the room provides the opportunity to share final thoughts with the group. If you want to say something, say something – everything can, nothing has to!

    • How did you feel about the exercise?
    • Do you have any thoughts on utopias that you would like to share with everyone?
    • Are there perhaps new thoughts that have emerged from the discussions?


    Walking around between the two-person conversations can be omitted. Instead, the group can be divided into two at the beginning. One half forms a tight circle with their faces facing outwards. The other half forms a larger circle and turns their faces inwards so that one person from the inner and outer circle is facing each other. The first question is asked and the participants start talking to each other. When the signal is given, the outer circle moves on by one person so that everyone has a new counterpart for the next question. This variant is only about an exchange of content. There is no need to arrive in the body, in the room and with other participants. This variant saves time.

    Tips and notes for facilitators

    Facilitators should make sure that there are an even number of participants before the participants are asked to pair up. Being left as a single person can be an uncomfortable feeling. If there is an odd number of participants, one person from the team can take part. Alternatively, the participants are told that there will be a group of three and that everyone should make sure that they all have someone to talk to.